Educating Women and Their Communities About Risks of Breast Implants
Current Projects
Current Projects
• Insurance: Support for introduction of ICD-10 Code for Breast Implant Illness; CPT codes for diagnostics for BII and BIA-ALCL surgeries and treatment
• State Legislation: Support for programs that ensure that, prior to breast augmentation surgery, breast implant patients are provided with the following from their surgeon:
- a description of the risks of breast implants including information about the risks of Breast Implant Illness (BII) and Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL);
- manufacturers information and FDA warnings about the materials in breast implant devices;
- an informed consent checklist and release form signed by the patient.
Please see related, pending legislation in the State of Arizona. AZ HHS1439
• Federal Legislation: Support for the Medical Device Safety Act, HR 2669 which gives legal recourse for those injured by medical devices that have received Premarket Approval from the FDA, and for the Medical Device Guardians Act, HR 2915 which will require physicians to report significant adverse experiences caused by medical devices to the FDA.
• Warranties: More comprehensive extensive warranties for breast implants from devices manufacturers; mandatory testing for BIA-ALCL at implant manufacturers’ expense
• Provider awareness and education: for surgeons about BII and BIA-ALCL and proper explant procedures; primary and specialty care providers about symptoms and testing for BII and BIA-ALCL and related systemic illnesses;
• Community Education and Awareness: Educational programs for women, their families and friends to support them through the decision to get breast implants and assist them through the explant and healing process from BII, BIA-ALCL, and related illnesses. These are accomplished through personal meetings, on-line, and Social Media. Through this platform, our goal is also to foster an environment of acceptance of a woman’s body in its natural state.
• Research: Development by the health care community, legislators, and individuals for ad hoc studies to collect data on women who have been harmed by breast implants.